The country covers a total area of ​​706,550 km2 , including the Western Sahara is 266,779 km2. It is in Morocco found the most extensive plains and the highest mountains of North Africa. The relief of the country is marked by four major systems: the Rif , the Middle Atlas , the High Atlas and Anti- Atlas .The Mediterranean shores are dominated by the Rif, a low mountain range , 1000 m on average, but 2,450 m Jebel Tidirhine , which rises from east to west . South , a depression, Taza Gap separates the Rif chain pleated , Middle Atlas , which exceeds 3000 m, while a central plateau performs transition with rich coastal plains are all homes settlement . We meet west of karst sinkholes with sometimes form lakes . Ancient volcanic activity has created crater lakes such as Sidi Ali.The High Atlas , which also extends into Algeria , culminating at 4165 m in the Jebel Toubkal south of Marrakech ; he succeeded in the Middle Atlas in a north -east south-west alignment and extends to the Atlantic, where it connects to the Anti- Atlas , the southernmost chain Moroccan mountains , by the massive of volcanic Jebel Siroua ( 3,300 m). This rugged ridge, formed by young mountains , plateaus and separates the green and fertile plains of the Sahara dry wadis and drylands .
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