
European powers , struggling against the Ottomans in the Mediterranean and the Barbary pirates , taking advantage of the weakening of the Kingdom of Morocco to sign trade agreements to their advantage: France in 1767 , and the United Kingdom in 1792 get the free passage of the Straits of Gibraltar and freedom of trade. The French occupation of Algiers in 1830 , causing a nationalist reaction in neighboring Morocco . Sultan Abd al- Rahman supports the Emir Abd el -Kader , who leads the resistance from Oran . In trying to regain Ceuta and Melilla , Moroccans trigger back a Spanish expedition that seizes Tetouan in 1860 . The weakening of Morocco , also forced to pay significant damages of war, fueling European rivalries.Between 1900 and 1903 , France is the Moroccan border . In 1904 , France, Britain and Spain conclude agreements preparing a division of Morocco . Spain extends its influence on the Rif, in the hinterland of Ceuta and Melilla; England renounces his sights on the rest of the country for the benefit of France , in return for the surrender of those of France on Egypt . But Germany , aggrieved in this colonial division , decided to intervene . March 31 , 1905, Kaiser Wilhelm II visited the Sultan Tangier , saying his will to support Moroccan independence . The tension between France and Germany is at its height . The following year, the Algeciras Conference puts the country under international control, and in 1909 , French and Germans agree to sign an agreement of economic division of Morocco . However, in 1911, a new crisis broke out , the Agadir incident. Sultan Moulay Hafiz , besieged in Fez by Berber tribes revolted , appealed to France . Germany , opposed French intervention , dispatch a gunboat immediately in the port of Agadir . The crisis quickly find a political solution in exchange for part of the territory of the French Congo border of Cameroon , while German possession , Germany surrenders claims in Morocco, now leaving the field open to France .

The French protectorate 
30 March 1912 , the sultan recognizes French protectorate. Spain gets to share control of the Rif region and the enclave of Ifni . Against this new situation, riots broke out in various parts of the country. Moulay Hafiz abdicated in favor of his brother Moulay Youssef, and the pacification of the country began under the leadership of General Lyautey . Marrakech is occupied in September 1912 and the following year Agadir . Until 1925 , Lyautey , appointed Resident General , shall pursue a friendly policy towards the inhabitants of Morocco, a country that strives to enhance its developing infrastructure (roads , railways, ports).But the Rif is shaken, from 1921 to 1926 , the revolt of Abd el -Krim . Long Rif war can not be quelled by a Franco-Spanish military alliance led by Marshal Petain, the head of a force of nearly 100,000 men ; the High Atlas is formally submitted in 1934 . The Draa Valley and the southern oases remain long in a state of latent dissent : that between 1921 and 1934 estimated the conquest of Morocco claims the lives of 27,000 men in France ( metropolitan and African troops ) .In 1930, France, which wants to establish a more direct administration, like the one that exists in Algeria , trying to disarm the Berbers by publishing the " Berber Dahir " manifesto that recognizes their specific (language, customary laws ) compared to the Arab administration. This text leads to the first nationalist reaction media Arabized , who accuse France of trying to divide the country to better establish its authority. This is also the same period that the Committee is of Moroccan action, the first political party demanding an end to direct rule . 
The struggle for independence 
The French defeat of 1940 strengthens the hopes of nationalists. The main figure of Moroccan nationalism , Allal al- Fasi , will give its ideological foundations of the party of Independence, Istiqlal , dissident branch of the Moroccan Action Committee , founded in 1943 with Ahmed Balafrej .A year earlier , in November 1942 , U.S. troops landed in Morocco; the country becomes a strategic base for the Allies until the end of World War II , and Moroccan troops , integrated into the French army, participating in operations at the end of the conflict ( the campaigns in Italy , France, Germany ) .At the end of the Second World War, the nationalist thrust becomes more urgent . Sultan Mohammed Ben Youssef sees the celebration of the twenty -fifth anniversary of his accession to assert the independence of Morocco . His intention resistance by refusing to sign a number of dahirs ( legislation ), while the weight of the administration, under the authority of General Juin , is increasingly felt. The French authorities , in agreement with Hadj Thami el Glaoui, brother of Sultan and Pasha of Marrakech, considered one of the most powerful "feudal" the time shall, at the end of a plot to Marrakech, a semblance of rebellion that led to the dismissal of the Sultan in August 1953. Thereof, exiled , is replaced in this position by a person without relief and old , Ibn Arafa . The nationalist activism "authorities" in place then double that new training , first and foremost the Istiqlal . However, France , which is engaged in the war in Algeria must also deal with the nationalist revolt in Tunisia and barely out of the war in Indochina. She decided to move towards a political solution : the sultan, whose exile has only strengthened the legitimacy and growing international prestige is recalled to Morocco . Returned to his country , he was received and acclaimed by a crowd of over a million and a half people . The government of Edgar Faure negotiates the terms of the Declaration of La-Celle -Saint- Cloud ( November 1955 ), which leads to the independence of the country March 3, 1956 ; Madrid recognizes that Spanish Morocco on April 7 ; Ceuta , Melilla and Ifni , however, remain the Spanish enclaves . The international status of Tangier , established in 1923, is abolished on October 21 . In August 1957, the sultan , enjoying immense popularity , was proclaimed King of Morocco, under the name of Mohammed V
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